Discover Our Latest Event

Early Childhood Literacy Space
To foster a culture of reading interest among children, SUGITY collaborates with the COMMUNITY READING FORUM to organize drawing and storytelling competitions for children aged 4 to 7. The theme of the event is inspired by the picture books (EHON) created by Motoko Matsuda. Through this activity, it is hoped that the children of employees and the local community can develop a strong passion for reading from an early age. Merit acti...
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Aid Shipment for Cianjur Earthquake Victims
In November 2022, Cianjur experienced an extraordinary earthquake that resulted in loss of life and property. Therefore, on December 9, SUGITY provided donations such as rice, oil, blankets, etc., to the JABAR QUICK RESPONSE institution as volunteers. The hope is that this donation will aid the refugees from Cianjur in returning to normalcy. Merit activity: The initiative received appreciation from JABAR QUICK RESPONSE, acknowledgi...
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Donation for Cianjur Earthquake Victims
In November 2022, Cianjur experienced an extraordinary earthquake that resulted in loss of life and property. Therefore, on December 9, SUGITY provided donations such as rice, oil, blankets, etc., to the JABAR QUICK RESPONSE institution as volunteers. The hope is that this donation will aid the refugees from Cianjur in returning to normalcy. Merit activity: The initiative received appreciation from JABAR QUICK RESPONSE, acknowledgi...
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CSR Activity in Sugity Creatives

Muara Gembong Mangrove Forest
On December 17, 2022, SUGITY conducted a tree planting ceremony at Pantai Bahagia, Muara Gembong, Bekasi. The planting initiative was driven by the region's vulnerability to submersion due to coastal erosion, necessitating preventive measures such as tree planting. The activity is planned to take place from 2022 to 2024, with a target of planting a total of 45,000 Mangrove trees. It is hoped that this undertaking will help curb the rate of erosion and enhance the economic well-being of the local community. Merit activity: The event received a positive response from the local community and the regional government (PEMDA), resulting in coverage by five local media outlets.
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Donation for Cianjur Earthquake Victims
In November 2022, Cianjur experienced an extraordinary earthquake that resulted in loss of life and property. Therefore, on December 9, SUGITY provided donations such as rice, oil, blankets, etc., to the JABAR QUICK RESPONSE institution as volunteers. The hope is that this donation will aid the refugees from Cianjur in returning to normalcy. Merit activity: The initiative received appreciation from JABAR QUICK RESPONSE, acknowledging the good commitment from the TOP Management.
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Aid Shipment for Cianjur Earthquake Victims
In November 2022, PT Sugity Creatives also sent aid to the earthquake victims in Cianjur. The activities conducted included trauma healing sessions with children and the distribution of EHON (picture books) to children.
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